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The Challenge

Identify an ecommerce website which demonstrates problematic information architecture or navigation lacking UX best practices, and propose a solution.


Figma, Miro, Whiteboard,
Notability, Pen and Paper


10 Day Design Sprint


Users of the ecommerce website face a large collection of products that exhibit inconsistant organizational structures and overall confusing navigation.


How might we restructure the website's Information Architecture & Navigation so that users locate the items they need more intuitively?


By regrouping and subcategorizing the product inventory to reflect data derived from serval rounds of user interviews and card sorting, the experience will become more intuitive and therefore serve as a better tool for consumers.

All the information in this case study is my own, and does not necessarily reflect the views of Jerrys Artarama.


A competitive and comparative analysis chart was created to understand how other websites structured their inventory successfully.

Usability Testing

I tasked users with locating a specific item and adding it to their shopping cart.

Once they had done this successfully, I asked them to preform the task a second time, using a different method than their first attempt.

This approach maximized the amount of interaction data I could draw from the first round of usability tests.

The chart below represents all paths that participants chose when completing the usability test.


usability test affinity map
3 out of 5 users had difficulty locating the ADD to cart button on the product description page.
3 out of 5 users had difficulty locating the item within the search results
5 out of 5 users would like to see a simpler interface with more intergrated selection options on the product description pages.
4 out of 5 users, clicked the ADD button before manually entering a quantity resulting in an error message prompting them to go back to add the quantity.
4 out of 5 users, chose to utilize the search bar as their first method of locating the product.
3 out of 5 users utilized the supplemental navigation options to filter their search results.


With a deeper understanding of how users were experiencing the website's navigation, it was time to begin developing a more intuitive structure for the inventory.

I chose a broad selection of products and recorded them for use in a series of card sorting exercises.

I began with an open card sort, asking participants to group the products however they liked, using as many or few groups they felt necessary.

I asked them to conclude the exercise by assigning a category name for each group they had created.


Five users participated in this card sorting exercise using the collaborative platform, Miro
click to view gallery

With a high level overview of how users chose to group products together, I could narrow focus on how they were labeling these groups.

I recorded the group names chosen by each user into individual rows for each participant. This was to discover any similarities or patterns between them.

I utilized a simple color coding system to call out any repetitions or variations of the same concepts.

From this exercise I was able to define four clear categories including two specific name variations for each.

Below was my assumption of an intuitive architecture for the inventory using the four categories discovered in the previous exercise.

To validate my assumption, a second round of card sorting was necessary.


Using the categories discovered in the open card sort, participants were asked to complete the exercise again, using the same sampling of inventory items.

Once the sort was completed, they were asked to share their preference between the two name options given for each of the four categories.

click to view gallery

Card Sort Takeaways

From this second card sorting exercise, I was able to define two key aspects of this research study.

A majority consensus on category names.
Which items are most commonly associated with those categories.

Below is an affinity map detailing the commonalities of how the participants categorized the inventory.

A color coding system was utilized to convey the majority occurrence of each item in relation to the chosen category.

This system served as a useful tool in understanding which products were or were not widely agreed upon by the participants.

Following the closed card sorting exercise, I had a much clearer idea of where users would most commonly expect to find items on the website.

Below is an updated architecture, based on the card sorting results.

site map


Pivoting focus to potential navigation structures, low fidelity sketches were created to illustrate how the four newly defined categories might look.

Low fidelity

Mid Fidelity

After preliminary rounds of iteration and feedback, I developed mid fidelity prototypes of the top three navigation structures.

These would serve as candidates for a deciding A/B/C test to determine which structure facilitated the best user experience.

Additionally I began to envision what the product description and checkout screens might look like.

Compiling key takeaways discovered throughout the research phase and feedback from the multiple design reviews, resulted in an immensely simpler and more intuitive navigation and information architecture.

prototype unavailable while updates are being made